Opera 是来自挪威的一个极为出色的网络浏览套件,具有速度快、节省系统资源、定制能力强、安全性高以及体积小等特点,目前已经是广受欢迎的浏览器之一。多 文档接 口 (MDI)、方便的缩放功能、整合搜索引擎、快捷键与鼠标手势、浏览历史记忆、防止恶意弹出窗口、全屏模式、对 HTML 标准的支持、整合电子邮件与 新闻 群组以及让用户自定义按钮、皮肤、工具栏等等,都使 Opera 多年来倍受喜爱。
- Refined pinch gesture threshold to prevent accidental use (MacBook trackpads)
Known Issues
- Never-stops-loading on some pages
Mac PowerPC
- Plugin crash when signing in to chat in Google Mail
- Problems with some font settings
- Plugin MIME types without file extensions dont work
- No printing
- Windows MSI / Windows Classic
- Macintosh (Universal)/ Macintosh (Intel-only)
- Unix/Linux
- Fixed CARAKAN-1255 (Crash in SVG DOM)
- Fixed CARAKAN-1250 (property get caches accessing prototype properties on objects with hash tables werent ignored)
- Fixed CORE-29241 (Widget freezes on connecting to debugger)
- Fixed DSK-289334 (Need pinch gesture threshold to prevent accidental use)
- Fixed DSK-292344 (Sheet repainting issues in address field, progress bar, and tab resizer)
- Fixed DSK-294174 (Crash on popup notifications)
- Fixed DSK-294608 (Crash with IME)
- Fixed DSK-294910 (Crash on exit)
- Fixed DSK-294916 (Icons in Menu on PPC have wrong colours)
- Fixed DSK-293920 (Flip4Mac plugin crashes Opera)
- Fixed DSK-289645 (Cant interact with windows opened from dialogs)
- Fixed DSK-293755 (Crash when exiting Opera under KDE4)
- Fixed DSK-289404 (Dont use bitmap fonts where it is possible to use an alternative)
- Respect preference setting for "Enable Core X Fonts" when loading fonts
- Fixed a bug that caused Opera to run out of file descriptors
- Parallel lookup of IPv4 and IPv6 to improve performance
- Fixed DSK-293628 (Mail lost when upgrading 9.27 Merlin to 10.52 Evenes) [来源:中文业界资讯网]